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Updated: Sep 3, 2023

A bomb is dropped

Four members of Elmbridge Borough Council (EBC) met with three members of the campaign on 30th August 2023 to discuss the proposed M&S development of Torrington Lodge Car Park.

It turned out to be a monologue by the leader of EBC (one of three Liberal Democrat Claygate ward councillors, two of which were present and spoke at the meeting), stating “his” vision for the Borough, taking no account of the views of Claygate residents, rather than a sensible two way engagement.

During this meeting there were some astounding revelations:

  1. EBC will fund c.£7.5m to make this M&S development happen!

  2. Residential or any other development was seen as too risky

  3. The leader of EBC (who is a Claygate ward councillor) believed the Parish Council 21st July meeting should never have happened, in his view it was inexcusable!

  4. The leader of EBC believed a consultation for Claygate, similar to the one Esher residents got, was not appropriate or proportionate as effectively we are much smaller!

  5. The leader of EBC believe they have more than “consulted” apparently, putting things on their web-site or a brief Face Book posts are true “consultation” in their minds

  6. The leader of EBC rejected any plea to come to address a public meeting in Claygate

All the above are quite astonishing and have left us speechless at the disdain in which Claygate is being viewed and treated. And on top of what has already happened, by way of recap:

1. Secret negotiations for years, Claygate and Parish Council only found out about M&S via Face Book late June

2. Deliberate changing of Claygate legal designation to a “District” done by EBC, which avoids an independent Retail Impact Assessment report to be done

3. ZERO consultation with any of the business owners on the Parade by EBC, who will be most affected, or indeed local residents

4. A firm refusal by EBC to release their Full Options Appraisal report to the community so we can see the work undertaken

5. Parish Council told very clearly, and relayed to Claygate residents, that once it goes to Planning Application it would be a done deal

So a c.£20k p.a. loss making car park, is to have c.£7.5m spent on it apparently, with an alleged £700k lease with M&S? A c.10 year pay-back, with risk to our Independent traders during that period, having undertaken zero consultation?

Again, we call on EBC to engage with the community, NOT to sign the DFA contract with M&S and work out how Claygate can do Better!!

Yours in Shock & Disappointment

Claygate can do Better Team

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