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Outcome of Council Cabinet Meeting

Here is the statement from Elmbridge Council following yesterday's Extraordinary Cabinet meeting.

On Wednesday 27 September, Elmbridge Cabinet agreed to withdraw from negotiations with Kilo and M&S and no longer proceed with the Development Funding Agreement and the resultant lease related to the proposed development of Torrington Lodge car park in Claygate.

Cllr Bruce McDonald, Leader of Elmbridge Borough Council comments: “Tonight, Elmbridge Cabinet decided to withdraw from negotiations related to the development of Torrington Lodge car park in Claygate. Having listened to the views of Claygate residents and businesses, we concluded that the most positive way forward is to undertake a wider place making vision for Claygate, ensuring that all community views are heard. I look forward to those discussions in the months ahead.”

The Claygate Can Do Better team welcome the Council's decision and look forward to contributing to the Place Making exercise to ensure that the views of the whole community are heard.

More details will follow once the team has had a chance to discuss the latest turn of events. In the meantime you can watch and listen to the Cabinet Meeting here:

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