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Parish Council Meeting -10 Aug

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

Claygate Village Hall

These notes were taken by the CCDB team for Item 4 on the agenda - "To discuss and approve any actions regarding the proposed development at the Torrington Lodge Car Park".

Please note they are NOT the official Minutes which will be published by the Parish Council in due course. The notes are intended to provide information about the discussion for those who were unable to attend the meeting in person.

Details of the Motion that was passed by the Parish Council at the meeting can be found on the CPC Facebook page.

Some summary notes on the Meeting Notes above.

  • Following community action and objection ( over 350 letters, attendance at meetings and this campaign) Claygate Parish Council (CPC) have requested the development be pulled or paused and that NO Development Funding Agreement (“DFA”) for a lease with M&S should be signed with Kilo Properties - the developer

  • CPC suggested to those in attendance that the best way currently to add pressure was to write to ALL the EBC Councillors involved in the decision making about this scheme and to voice their views as soon as possible. Contact details are available on the EBC website and on the link above.

  • The meeting which was a polite, formal and well communicated evening.

  • Claygate has done an amazing job in finding its voice quickly since the CPC meeting on the 21st July when the final Next Steps from the CPC presentation was “move to Planning Application and we will advise you when that happens.”

  • The CCDB was set up as it believed the current proposal and DFA needed to be STOPPED before it was signed and the Planning Application was made by Kilo, as we were all told by Gil Bray of the CPC, clearly, that he had been informed by EBC that once at Planning Application was submitted, that it would be a “done deal.”

  • Thank you again to the CPC for listening and acting and its clear Motion of the 10th August.

Please note, this may NOT be the only communication that will be needed. If EBC go ahead and ignore the views of the community (which has been the case so far, let’s face it) and the DFA does get signed, then a Planning Application will inevitably be submitted.

In that eventuality, everyone objecting to the proposal will need to write in individually again at that stage. Just to be crystal clear, each letter counts as one objection including petitions - even if they have 1,000 signatures

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