Here's a suggested list of pros and cons of the Torrington Lodge Car Park development proposals. Please let us have your views / suggestions:
Pros (according to EBC and Kilo’s websites and statements)
Greater choice of supermarkets in the village
A “high-end” foodstore” for Claygate
The "very best of M&S food with displays brimming with great quality, trusted produce"
A "show-stopping M&S Bakery with fresh daily baked bread and pastries"
40 parking spaces for shoppers
90 minutes free off-street parking for shoppers
2 electric charge points
8 flats for temporary accommodation
40 new jobs
2 new bus shelters
Removal of unnecessary street furniture
New footpath from Oaken Lane via Derwent Close
More customers walking to the shops reducing car use
More visitors attracted to Claygate
More trips / increased footfall to the existing shops
£20,000 pa savings for Elmbridge Council
£700,000 pa revenue for 15 years for Elmbridge Council (but £7.5m cost)
Cons (according to Claygate residents and traders)
Out of character, bulky 3-storey building overlooking neighbouring properties
Increase in road traffic and congestion on roads into village from extra visitors
Increased risk of accidents on our narrow roads (70% of police speeding letters are sent to non-Claygate residents)
Increase in noise and air pollution from more cars coming into the village
Number and frequency of M&S lorries required to deliver stock
Noise and air pollution from M&S delivery lorries
Narrow B roads in and out of Claygate not suitable for large delivery lorries
Traffic hold ups in Hare Lane caused by delivery lorries entering and leaving
Limited space in car park for delivery lorries (how will they turn round/reverse out?)
Safety issues of lorries driving past entrance to Pippa’s House nursery
Loss of all day car parking spaces for existing businesses
No parking provided for M&S staff
No parking provided for the residents of the flats above M&S or their visitors
Increase in street parking due to insufficient car park spaces - Hare Lane already regularly blocked due to cars parked on both sides
Increase in traffic and street parking in Derwent Close
Impact on levels of anti-social behaviour if Derwent Close footpath re-opened
Impact on viability of Co-op
Impact on the viability of existing independent traders (supermarkets can suck the lifeblood out of local economies)
Impact on rents of existing retail premises
Impact on vitality of village if traders can't compete with M&S and are forced out of business
Impact on local economy if existing traders are forced out of business
Insensitive socio-economic mix - housing vulnerable residents above a high-end store
Loss of village atmosphere and unique character due to size and scale of development and influx of traffic from neighbouring areas
£7.5 million cost to Elmbridge Council and risk of venture
Loss of opportunity to provide more much needed local housing on a brown field site
Loss of opportunity for Claygate residents to have a say in what they want for the site in line with the Council's "Placemaking" policy
Impact in longer term on desirability of Claygate as a place to live
Where's the balance ?